Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Name Is

He came to lie down in front of the church every day
Another day to realize he had no place to stay
His face lit up the first time he saw the Pastor
Expecting kind word coming straight from the Master
But the Pastor looked at him and told him to “go away”
The homeless looked at him not knowing what to say
Every time he’d lay in front, thinking it was the safest place
He would be chased away as if he were a disgrace
Then he made up his mind, he was ready for change
He fell on his face and cried out Jesus name
He was forgiven, so he forgave
His soul was awakened, he knew he was saved
He picked up his past, because Christ picked up the cross
No longer without a home, he regained what was lost
He became a man, he put on Christ
He helped save souls, he helped give life
One day he saw that Pastor, in his daily routine
He thought about his past, his eyes held a gleam
In their conversation he asked, “Do you remember the man, that laid on your steps, that had no plan?”
The Pastor thought back, “Yeah, that was long ago.”
The man stuck out his hand and said “Hi my name is PASTOR JOE”

By: Serenity (Based on a True Story)

1 comment:

  1. That story is not only true but can be told by a number of persons... I'm one of them. I recently shared my testimony in a sermon to the homeless and poor. You can read a copy of it here:

    My name has a better ring to it because of another introduction... His name was Jesus and I'm so very glad we met.

